Saving money is often difficult, but spending it can cause difficulties, too. The many different ways people deal with money reveal much about them. Uncontrolled spending may be a sign of personal problems. Some shoppers buy, buy, buy more than they can use. Psychologists say that this is a way of giving themselves love or power. Many people buy expensive things they don't really need in order to get rid of unhappy feelings. Some people are heavy gamblers and cannot stop, even though they lose all their money. Others find it very painful to spend money, even if they have a lot of it. People who misuse their money probably need psychological help for their personal problems. This help might also change their ways of using money.
For all of us, it makes good sense to live within one's income - that is, not to spend more than what one earns. For people with low and moderate incomes, it is not easy to spend less than they earn. Surprisingly, many people with high income have the same problem. How is it possible to spend more money than one has? Actually, it is quite easy. People can shop in department stores, stay in hotels, fly to distant places, order expensive gifts, eat in fine restaurants, yet not spend one penny in cash... temporarily. It is the small, plastic credit card that lets a person shop without using cash.

(to be continued...)
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